With the vast information available at any moment, buyers are becoming more educated before they make any purchasing decision.
Buyers do their research. They take more time in the decisions they make. The majority of questions that potential customers and buyers will have about your product or services should be easily accessible.
Forms of traditional sales are becoming less and less effective. Sales teams can’t simply place a banner ad on a website and assume it will sell the product. Customers are all but immune to these sales tactics. They want to be informed. They want to be inspired. They want to be provided the information to make their own decisions. With no fluff. With no bull. Customers today can spot this a mile off, become disinterested and move on to the next business.
Modern sales teams need to be focused on the experience of the customer. They need to work on strategies that reach these clients at their exact moment of need. This then allows them to spend their time talking and dealing with customers who are further along the sales funnel, closer to making a decision and more likely to convert into a sale.
When done right this form of inbound marketing can help built trust with the company long before the customer even speaks with a sales person.
Stop Wasting Time and Get Started with Inbound Sales
If you haven’t shifted the way you generate leads and sell your customers, stop thinking about it and start. An inbound salesperson believes that customer experience is the top priority, they look at providing the best experience with the most useful information without a direct expectation of receiving something from the customer.
The information they provide looks at creating a relationship with the customer that they hope will ultimately convince them to take the step towards taking action, which means that they aren’t wasting time on prospects that won’t convert into sales.
They work with the marketing team to create content aimed at their ideal customers with the aim of identify potential customers when they are in the mindset of buying.
The prospect they speak to are easier to convert boosting the close rates and gaining a better return for their efforts. They focus on nurturing these potential clients, rather than trying to convert cold leads.
It’s time to change the way the you do sales.
Talk to the Local Online Marketing Prefessionals at miamedia call 1300 642 633!